Healthcare Optimists Welcome.

May 2025

"How Have I Not Known About This and How do I get Involved?"

                       - Big Name Speaker we've sent 3,211 emails to when she finally experienced YHLS 


Seriously, someone flew from Switzerland (first time visiting United States) to experience YHLS.


The only place in healthcare for casual clothes, comfortable conversations, and the joy of finding your path for the future. 


Our sponsors want to hire you, inspire you, and learn from you. Not talk at you. 

Sign up for 2025 Waitlist

No One Should Work on Weekends

 YHLS will either start Monday night and go until Wednesday, or start Wednesday night and end early Friday afternoon.

The work week is the time for work. 

Be a Most-Loved Brand

Contact Us for the 2025 Sponsor Guide

2025 Sponsor Options


Organizations are made up of people, and we do everything we can to put those great people in front of other great people for mutual benefit. Health tech company needing hospital service line leaders? They're here. Health Plan looking for startups specific to an aging population? That too. We're serious that the only way to a healthier future is "Together". Thank you for being part of this. See some of our 2024 attendees featured below